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Reducing Power Costs

Tips For Cutting Your Power Costs
                                                    by Terry Healion Electrical Contractor Licence No. 36780
                                                                                    Phone 0432278487
Keep your electrical system in good order. Electrical leaks/faults can cause bigger bills and can cause you injury or cause a fire. Call me to check your wiring.
Heaters on high (2400watts) can cost you up to 60 cents an hour on high. Physical size of your heater is no indication of power usage; check the wattage on the heater. Turn your ceiling fan to the winter setting to improve your heater’s efficiency. Reverse cycle air conditioners are far more economical to use than a standard heater.
Clothes Dryers on high (2400watts) can cost 60 cents an hour to run; try not to use more than you absolutely have to. Remember to clean the filter every use for air circulation, it will reduce the chance of a fire also.
Washing Machines and Dishwashers – Don’t wash lots of little loads; do one big cold wash.
Air Conditioners for heating are a better option than a stand-alone heater, but use it a lot and up goes the bill! Keep the temperature at about 24°C in summer for cooling. Make sure you close the windows and doors and clean the filter regularly to keep the air moving through it freely. Your bill can go up hundreds by using an air conditioner when not really needed. A ceiling fan uses a tiny fraction of the power used by an air conditioner on those not too hot and sticky days.
Electric Stoves – If you can use a microwave instead of the normal oven you will save power.
Pool Pumps – Minimise the amount of time the pump runs and keep the filters / skimmer baskets clean so the filter doesn’t have to work too hard.
Hot Water – To save water is to save power. By using water efficient shower roses you save water and save electricity by not having to heat so much water. Baths use a lot more water than a quick shower so you will use more electricity heating the extra hot water compared with the hot water used in a shower.
Kettle – Why do we fill up the kettle when we only want one cupful of boiling water? Use a cup to put the exact amount of water in your kettle that you need, but make sure you cover the element.
Light Bulbs – It’s time to save some money by replacing all those bulbs with LED bulbs that use a fraction of the power, but make sure you use a good brand. I do like Phillips myself; they will pay for themselves over and over again.
Turn it off at the wall and switch it off at the switch – By turning it off at the wall it saves the standby power. Switch fans and lights off at the wall when leaving the room for prolonged periods.
Star Rating- Choosing a new appliance you can save yourself a fortune by choosing a energy efficient product.
HOW MUCH ARE YOU PAYING FOR ELECTRICITY? Do a good deal with a retailer; don’t let loyalty to a retailer cost you. Check the retailer’s base charges. These are no longer set by the State Government so can vary greatly. Besides usage, check the other charges like metering. What percentage are they offering you off that base rate? (I know of up to 21% off.) Is the discount off usage (kWh) and the other charges or just usage like most? Then do the maths. You can save $500 a year depending on your usage by going with a retailer that offers you the best deal. Some retailers like to quote a price without G.S.T. Remember this when comparing companies. Hint: make sure you diarise when your deal ends as after that date your charges can revert to the maximum without notice. You will need to do the maths again to find the best deal before your term expires, usually in a year. It can be a pain to go through this, but the time you spend negotiating can be worth hundreds of dollars. One more thing - if you have a Government Concession tell your retailer. From this year Queenslanders will get assistance that can be worth $100s off your bill a year.                                                                   Terry Healion 0432278487

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